Nominations Open: Mary Ellen Stanek Award for Corporate Diversity
July 29, 2024
Milwaukee Women inc and The Greater Milwaukee Committee are now accepting nominations for the eleventh annual Mary Ellen Stanek Award for Diversity in Corporate Governance. The Mary Ellen Stanek Awards have been recognizing individuals throughout the southeastern Wisconsin region for their commitment to advancing gender equity in the boardroom for the past ten years. Moving into a new decade of recognition, the GMC and MWi are reaching into our community to seek the most influential women and male-advocate leaders who are paving the way for gender diversity in the board room.
In honor of its namesake, the two organizations annually award an individual and corporate trailblazer for their triumphant headway in advancing gender diversity within corporate boards and settings, paving the way for a diverse and sustainable Milwaukee.
Nominees should exhibit the qualities and expertise of advancing gender equity within a corporation, particularly within the board of directors, have influence in the gender-equity strategy within an organization, and/or be a regional leader in the fight for gender equity in the business community.
Nominations can be submitted to both the Greater Milwaukee Committee and Milwaukee Women inc and should be no longer than 1,000 words in length and include a resume.
Submit nominations to lori.syverson@milwaukeewomeninc.org or hpechacek@gmconline.org now through August 30, 2024.
Award winners will be announced at the Milwaukee Women inc’s meeting on October 23 at 11:30am at the Pfister Hotel. The event is open to the community.